Koto Chikage, Tamiko Asai and Rie Asai will participate in the project of Todoke Ongaku meaning Playing Music.

Koto Chikage, Tamiko Asai and Rie Asai will participate in the project of Todoke Ongaku meaning Playing Music.

Tamiko and Rie Asai will go to Jhosai Elementary School located at Nishi-ku of Nagoya city and show their performance to the students.

生田流箏曲千景の会 Koto Chikage | 日本伝統文化アカデミー Academy of Japanese Culture

1960年設立「生田流箏曲 千景の会」家元 生田流大師範 浅井大美子、副家元 バイリンガル箏アーティスト 浅井りえ。愛知県芸術文化選奨文化賞受賞団体。愛知県名古屋市を中…